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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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154 separate commandant's preobrazhensky regiment, representing three types of armed forces: ground forces, aerospace forces and navy. on the march, students of the moscow stuvorov military school are commanded by colonel igor ekinov. this year the school celebrates its eightieth anniversary. three graduates of the school were awarded the title of hero of russia during a special military operation. on red square - students of the tverdsky suvorov military school are led by a colonel sergei tundenkov. the school was awarded for its contribution to the education of the younger generation.
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regions of russia will learn the basics of maritime affairs. students of the kronstab naval cadet military corps are trained under the leadership of captain first rank nikolai davdeshka. cadet's main dream is to become naval officers. on the march, representatives of the all-russian military-patriotic public movement hyun army lead the parade. olympic champion nikita nagorny,
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young army members actively help veterans and support participants in a special military operation, serve as an example for their peers. under the banners of the combat units that liberated the years of the great patriotic war. donetsk, zaporozhye, nikolaev, odessa are undergoing a parade of participants in a special military operation, at the head of the formation, the hero of russia, lieutenant colonel evgeniy khabarov. each serviceman of the parade squad is an example of personal courage and bravery. there are seven heroes of the russian federation, 24 holders of the order of courage. students
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of the combined arms academy of the armed forces of the russian federation are on the march. parade crew headed by colonel general alexander romanchuk. within the walls of this renowned educational institution , many participants in a special military operation and future commanders of the russian army receive academic knowledge. among them are the heroes of the russian federation, vitaly antonov, stepan bilov, sergei boyko, alexey mishchenko, enver nabiev. cadets of the prince alexander nevsky military university, ministry of defense of the russian federation, walk past the stands.
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the parade squad is headed by the head of the university, lieutenant general igor mishutkin. today the university is a multidisciplinary educational institution, the successor to six academies and military schools. among the university graduates are heroes of russia, evgeny brovko, denis kakunovsky and denis sorokin, who received this high rank during a special military operation. on red square is the military academy of logistics named after army general khrulyov, at the head of the parade formation is major general igor goryainov. for more than 120 years, the academy has been training logistics officers. nine academy graduates were awarded the title of hero of russia for their exploits during a special military operation. the cadets
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of the mikhailovsky military artillery academy are on parade for us. the main forge of personnel for artillery and missile units. the parade squad is headed by major general oleg egorov; among the academy graduates there are 163 heroes of the soviet union and the russian federation. on red square there is a parade squad of female military personnel. the parade formation is headed by lieutenant colonel maria vasilyeva as part of the future crew. specialists of the communications, radiation, chemical and biological protection, psychologists and translators, lawyers and financial workers. parade crews of the aerospace forces are on the march.
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the passage is opened by officers and cadets of the zhukovsky and gagarin air force academy. at the head of the parade squad is the head of the academy, colonel general. their homeland appreciated their contribution by awarding the school the order of kutuzov.
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the parade squad of the mozhaisky military space academy is passing by the stands; the head of the academy is leading the formation. is rightfully the main university in the country in terms of training of engineers and other highly qualified specialists in the management of satellite constellations and control of outer space. there are parade crews of the navy on red square. fleet. ahead are the cadets of the baltic higher naval school named after admiral ushakov, led by the head of the school, rear admiral vyacheslav sytnik. among the school's graduates are four heroes of russia. cadets
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of the higher naval engineering school pass by the stands. the formation is led by the head of the school, captain first rank andrey klimenko. the educational institution is the first naval engineering university in the world. 38 graduates of the school were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union and the russian federation. the parade formation of peter the great's naval corps passes through red square. the head of the corps, the captain, commands the parade crew.
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on red square, the parade squad of the ryazan guards higher airborne command school named after army general markelov. the parade line is led by colonel sergei molochnikov. graduates schools are an example of fulfilling military duty. 181 paratrooper officers were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union and russia, of which 43.
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on the march, the moscow border institute of the fsb of russia, the parade squad is led by the head of the institute, major general mikhail chepik, graduates.
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colonel igor orlov. today , railway warriors are restoring railways in the zone of a special military operation and ensuring uninterrupted progress in military echelons. personnel of the military police of the armed forces on the march the russian federation is led by lieutenant colonel roman dunin. military police honorably perform the tasks of maintaining law and order in the zone of special military operation. on red square there is a parade squad of the orders of zhukov and the red star. the academy of civil defense of the ministry of emergency situations of russia is headed by
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the head of the academy, lieutenant general viktor panchenkov. the educational institution has trained more than 75 thousand specialists to deal with emergency situations. on the march , servicemen of a separate operational division appointment named after tsershinsky, troops of the russian national guard. the parade formation is headed by the division commander, major general nikolai kuznetsov. this year the illustrious unit turns 100 years old for its services in ensuring law and order and public safety in the zone of special military operation; the division was awarded the order of suvorov. all-russian cossack. the society represents the parade squad of the cossacks of the all-great don army, led by
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cossack general vitaly kuznetsov. more than 30,000 volunteer cossacks are fighting in special military operation for courageous heroism, seven were awarded the title of hero of russia. complete the walking part. parade cadets of the famous moscow higher combined arms command school command the parade squad of the kremlin soldiers, colonel yaroslav dlotkikh. over its hundred-year history , more than 6,000 officers for the ground forces have been trained within the walls of the school. many of them became military leaders of the highest rank. today, special military operations are led by units and military units.
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17 were awarded the title of hero of the russian federation. the musicians clear for the passage. the parade is carried out by the combined military orchestra of the moscow garrison under the direction of military equipment, with musical accompaniment by the chief military conductor, honored artist of russia, major general timofey mayakin.
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square, parade crews of a mechanized column, consisting of 61 units of military equipment in service with the russian army. according to tradition, the passage of equipment is opened by the legendary tank of the great patriotic war t-34 under the battle banner of the first guards red banner tank army. the crew is in command.
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for the first time on red square , samples of special armored camas vehicles with a 4x4 wheel arrangement from protected lince ambulances designed to solve the problems of comprehensively ensuring the search and evacuation of personnel from the battlefield are presented , the column is headed by captain aerat. rakhmatulin on red square, a column of armored protected special vehicles based on the camas vehicle, designed for
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transporting personnel in combat areas and fire support in the zone holding special iskander m 112 guards complexes are represented by high-precision missiles of the novorossiysk missile brigade and the 448th missile brigade named after the designer.
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400 triumph 549 order of lenin, the red army anti-aircraft missile regiment of the russian aerospace forces, is headed by major akhmed maysigov. the combat characteristics of the complex, designed by russian designers, were fully confirmed by the results of practical use during a special military operation. passes by the stands a mechanized column of strategic missile forces, including autonomous launchers of the yars missile system of the 54th guards missile division, commanded by lieutenant colonel nikolai golubev. today,
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missile warriors take full advantage of the highly mobile capabilities of the complex. its ability is guaranteed to hit a target anywhere in the world. missile formations armed with yars systems remain a formidable force of nuclear deterrence, a reliable guarantor of the security of the russian federation. complete passing the parade formation of military equipment - wheeled armored personnel carriers on the boomerang platform with flags of armed branches. forces of the russian federation.
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above red square is the famous cuban diamond consisting of nine su-30 cm and mik-29 aircraft of the russian knights and swifts aerobatic teams, headed by colonel andrei alekseevich.
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the sky above red square is illuminated with the colors of the national flag of the russian federation by six su-25 bn attack aircraft, led by lieutenant colonel vladimir. the voices of our conscience told us to be caught, not to know peace and the whole world with clothes, no harm
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to anyone, it’s not for nothing that it’s not for nothing that it’s not for nothing that at all times, at all times, victory. the battle comes, the disintegrated, the fatherland, the native country, the native country, we glorify my objection, the native country. so, literally throughout. fireworks are going off in the country today. first of all, in the hero cities, these are volgograd, aka stalingrad, kerch, murmansk, novorossiysk, st. petersburg,
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aka leningrad, sevastopol, smolensk, tula. fireworks are also planned in cities where the headquarters of military districts, fleets, combined arms armies of the caspian flotilla. in the eastern regions, fireworks have already died down. in vladivostok. volleys were fired from six points, the two largest in the city center, hundreds of people gathered on the central square and the sports embankment, fireworks for victory day were already seen in khabarovsk, people there also gathered on the embankment, cannons were installed in the park area of ​​the lenin stadium, volleys were fired towards the amur, military personnel of the eastern military district launched fireworks, a bright spectacle began and lasted 15 minutes, and the festive event ended with fireworks. day in usuriysk, this year the volleys were moved from the traditional place on the central square ; at 22:00 local time, the festive fireworks thundered on the territory of the former
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race track. at the same time , a projection show was shown on the administration building. in novosibirsk, fireworks were fired from mikhailovskaya embankment - this is the traditional site of the main light shows in the city. the volleys were fired by artillerymen from the combined arms formation of the central military. district fireworks lasted 10 minutes, about 30 salvos were fired from the gaobis, the colorful show over the river is clearly visible from both banks of abi. in the bush, festive fireworks in honor of victory day were launched at the memorial to the military labor glory of transbaikal residents. more than a thousand people gathered at the memorial itself, people came with russian flags and copies of the victory banner, it was possible to watch the fireworks from... points in the city, at the cost of victory and the defeat of fascism 79 years ago, more than 27
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we will remember everyone by name, we will remember with our grief, it’s not the dead who need it, it’s the living who need it, right? children are born in death, motherland, did you want our death, motherland, the flame hit the sky, do you remember, motherland, she said quietly, rise up to the rescue, motherland, no one begged you for fame, motherland, everyone just had a choice, me or the motherland. oh, why are you
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, the red sun, still leaving, not saying goodbye, oh, why are you from the war, joyless, son, you’re not coming back, i’ll save you from troubles, i’ll fly back like a quick eagle, respond, my little one, my little one. one day we will disturb you in your sleep, we will carry our voices over the fields in silence. we have forgotten how flowers smell, how poplars rustle. we have forgotten the earth too. what kind of land has it become? how do birds sing on earth without us. how cherries bloom on earth without us, how the river brightens, and clouds fly above us. without
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us, remember, through the centuries, through the years, remember, about those who will no longer come, never, remember, don’t cry, hold back the groans in your throat, bitter groans, in memory of the fallen, be worthy, forever worthy, people, as long as your hearts knock , remember at what price happiness was won,
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please? remember, when you send your song into flight, remember about those who will never sing again, remember, tell your children about them, so that they remember, tell your children’s children about them, so that they also remember.


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